Monday, September 20, 2010


Last Wednesday I formally accepted my new job - "Campus Counselor" at Excelsior Youth Center. On Friday I submitted my 2 weeks notice to NGA. Hitting send on my e mail has never felt so good as when I hit send with my resignation letter. My last day at NGA is October 1.
Then Saturday evening, it hit me... I am utterly terrified and a little sad to be leaving EMS. I've been doing it for nearly 12 years now - starting when I was 15 with junior ski patrol, then HCEMS at Hampshire, then starting full time at Action Care when I moved back to Denver. It has been all I have known my entire adult life. While I am extremely burned out, and chronically exhausted, there are still aspects of it that I love (driving code 3 for instance), the cool stories etc.
More so I think, I am scared of the change. I am moving into a complete unknown. I think I will be good at this new job - I feel it in my bones. However, what if I'm not, and what feels so right for me isn't? What will I do then? And what if (sniff sniff) they don't like me?! ;)

1 comment:

  1. To pass on what Devama said to me as I was leaving Shoshoni this weekend...

    You are a strong woman, you can make things happen.

