Thursday, December 8, 2011
Getting Pepper Sprayed is no bueno.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Teaching... sucks.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Mandatory Reporting
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Manifestation of Microaggressions
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Who Let The Crazies In???
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I've always hated the word. Through the first week of my MSW readings, I have encountered it more often than I thought possible - were talking nearly every line in some readings. My initial reaction contained a lot of guilt and resistance. Am I in for 2 years of forced self flagellation due to my class race and culture?
As I continued into the readings, intermittently shouting rants at my dog (as he was the only one who would listen) I began to realize that I was thinking critically! Hold the reins there a sec... They tricked me! Before I knew it I was redefining "oppression" to myself, identifying both the oppressor and the oppressed within myself. I became aware of the emerging concept that this was not to be an experience of degradation and remorse but to lead me to better understand my origins, and those of others: you can not adequately understand client systems without first understanding the oppressed and oppressor within yourself.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Foundation Internship
This week began with a rush of exchanging e mails with my field coordinator, and the human resources dept at Excelsior (my job), and phone calls to a new list of agencies with potential internships. I was able to secure a fall back option for internship at Excelsior. I really do not want to do this, because my responsibilities as a first year intern would be nearly identical to what I do now. As I plan to continue to work there on a fill in basis throughout grad school, I don't want to do the SAME job, and not get paid for it. Plus, I know how to do my job. The whole point of internship is to do something new. As I've heard back from more and more agencies this week, I'm finding all internship positions are filled. Crapola.
There is however one placement that still has an open spot. It's with the Rocky Mountain MS Foundation Adult Day Program. They offer a multitude of classes for adults with MS, and some with brain injury (did not specify if it was anoxic brain injury or traumatic brain injury). My responsibilities there would include facilitating classes, running group therapy, and psycho-social support. From what I understand there is a lot of flexibility in the internship for me to design my own curriculum. This is a definite "pro" for the agency - as it maps on to my Hampshire background. What concerns me is that they focus so much on people with disabilities, and an older demographic. I'm not sure if this demographic is one that I want to work with. I'm trying to separate my fear of something new (I'm accustomed to working with at risk youth), and my reservations for working with a population that might not be all there - I've found I'm just better with a higher functioning demographic - at least in youth.
Perhaps this level of ambivalence and trepidation is a good indication that I should accept this placement? It could be a phenomenal learning experience.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Aurora teens work to find ways to handle bullying
Evil Bitch Monster From Hell
I have this client whom I shall call the evil bitch monster from Hell. Now I know that this is the antithesis of therapeutic. I'm way past therapeutic with this little shit.
A little bit of background is in order. The evil bitch monster from hell entered the facility about four years ago. She has some mild mental retardation a dysfunctional family and was molested once by her step brother. She has more attention from staff, family, mentors and special programming just for her. She is the most self entitled little snot I've ever met. Also she is incredibly assaultive but there's nothing we can do about it even though she's 18, because the court has declared her incompetent (which shes not). She even threatens "I can hit you and there's nothing you can do about it". It's infuriating.
This evening she was not following directives, and trying to do unnecessary laundry 20 minutes after her bedtime. I told her no, and that she needs to work on her time management. The evil bitch monster from hell started screaming in my face and posturing at me. She eventually went up to the intervention unit where she demanded that I give her a hug. When I refused, explaining to her that I would not hug her after the way that shed been treating me, and that when she was having better behavior I would be happy to give her a hug, she sat down in the middle of the hall and started screaming. I just walked out. (it would be different I this was not a daily attention seeking occurrence). Later, my co-worker D.V. Called and told me that she spent the next 45 minutes crawling between and around his legs. She then started licking his shoe. Gross.
She's fricking 18 and DECIDES to do this for attention.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Matching socks
This morning I let my extremely low functioning client with severe paranoid schizophrenia into the storage closet to pick out clean clothes to change into after showering.
As always, she ceremoniously opened each drawer one at a time, methodically riffled through each in turn, and closed them. By the end she has a collection or garments that you're not sure how she's going to formulate an outfit (yet she always manages to come out fully dressed).
Then she goes to the sock drawer, where all the socks are singles. She stares pensively at the socks for several moments and then picks a sock out. She then will very slowly pick up other socks and hold the two together, seemingly to carefully consider the combination, discarding the second sock into the drawer until she has found a combination that suits her - albeit not usually matching.
Prostitution for 400 please
The other day we had a phase group for a client (phases are the clients progress in therapy). When a client is applying for their phase II, they must complete a series of tasks including writing their life stories, making a road map of how they've gotten to where they are, facilitate a therapeutic group about their primary issue to their peers, and presenting/defending their phase to their treatment team.
This clients primary issues are prostitution and abuse(which of course go hand and hand). She read her life story, which depicted a traumatized child who was raised transiently in motel rooms, pretending to be asleep while her mother serviced her Johns in the next bed over. A child who was molested by her uncle at age 5 and was prostituting by age 12, and arrested for it at 13.
We then played 'prostitution jeopardy' which while was entertaining and educational, prompted some disturbing commentary and discussion from our hypersexualized kiddos. The comment that stands out to me the most was 'I hate it when men abuse me. I don't even really like it when they rape me". Even after eight months here those comments floor me. Their childhoods were so starkly different from mine that I don't know if I will understand the normalcy of this lifestyle for these girls.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Graduate School!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
I'm old!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Gang Activity
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Therapy Dog
- Greeting people and sitting politely for petting. Amos is just too exuberant, and happy to see everybody. I've worked with him with this...
- The dog will welcome being groomed and examined and will permit a stranger such as a vet, groomer or friend of the owner to do so. Yeah right... ain't gonna happen. Amos is TERRIFIED of being groomed, and totally flips his shit every time he sees the brush, unless I have him in a small enclosed room (such as the bathroom), and am giving him treats every 30 seconds and am speaking sweetly to him... and even then its a bit of a struggle.
- Coming when called.... needs some work. He's just inconsistent, which I know is my fault, as I'm inconsistent as well.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Group Ideas
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Some fun facts about suicide
- More Americans die by suicide than by homicide.
- 93% of all suicides are completed by persons with an Axis I diagnosis
- Suicide is the leading cause of death for persons with Bipolar Disorder
- 15% of persons with Major Depressive Disorder will take their own lives, at a cost of $8 billion dollars to the U.S. economy per year.
- 15% of persons with Schizophrenia die by suicide
- 5-7% of persons with Borderline Personality Disorder die by suicide
- 50% of completed suicides met with a mental health provider at some time in their life
- 17% will be in treatment with a mental health provider at the time of their suicide
- Limitations on inpatient services, shortened lengths-of-stay and premature discharge have shifted the risk of suicide malpractice to outpatient providers
- Graduate schools preparing practitioners for the mental health field provide little in the way of formal course work in suicide risk assessment and risk management
- Mental health care providers are not immune to the myths, misperceptions, stigma and taboos associated with suicide. They may be reluctant to deal with the subject in an honest and helpful fashion.
- The well intended, but uninformed acts of caring professional communities are no substitute for specific knowledge about suicidal behavior, ignorance can not be an excuse for poor practice.
- Studies have repeatedly shown 85% of suicides are premeditated and approximately 90% of persons who take their own lives communicate their intentions to someone they know, frequently a health care provider.
- Suicide malpractice claims are the leading cause of suits against all mental health practitioners, including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and nurses.