Sunday, September 25, 2011

Manifestation of Microaggressions

Yesterday morning, I was getting ready to go to the farmers market. The plan was to drive there, leave my room mate with the car, and bike home. As I was loading my bike into the car, I had Amos on the leash (but not holding it very tight), and a man with a pit bull walked by. Now I have reason to suspect that this pit bull is used as a fighting dog. I have seen it around the neighborhood on numerous occasions, and it always has new cuts and injuries. Anyhow, Amos pulled free of me, and ran over to greet/play with the dog. The dog attacked him. Amos naturally fought back. The owner was screaming all sorts of profanities at me, including calling me a f-ing c u next tuesday. Between my dog being attacked and being called abhorrent names, I saw red and screamed back at the guy telling him that he shouldn't even have a pit bull in Denver - as they are ILLEGAL. I got Amos's leash and we walked briskly in the other direction.

The entire day I was fuming partially at the dog owner, partially at the situation, and partially at my reaction to the owner. The owner was latino, and obviously of lesser education and lower socio-economic background than myself. Would he have been screaming at me if I were not white and privileged? Would I have screamed at him if he were from the same background as myself? I was sickened by myself and how I kept going over the racial stereotypes - and found myself laughing later that day when I drove by a beat up rusted out 2 door sports car, with a latina woman driving - the car had a bumper sticker with the outline of a pit bull head and it said "if it ain't pit it it ain't shit". It embodied the stereotype of I had been fuming about all day. Which of course leads me to question, is it people of power that force minorities into that stereotype?

When the end of the day came, I decided that I would have screamed at the dog owner no matter what his race or class because I have absolutely zero tolerance for animal mistreatment, nor do I have any tolerance for being called a c u next tuesday.
Multi cultural is making me think... about everything I do, think and say. Oh yeah, and Amos is ok.

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