Wednesday, October 27, 2010

CPI Cobras!

I finished my CPI training today... I'm officially certified to engage in nonviolent physical management... rather than my "violent" paramedic style management. It was an interesting contrast learning CPI vs. the tactical EMS restraint I was initially taught in paramedic school... You mean I'm not supposed to hurt the client?! While I am totally comfortable with the concept of restraining, and even restraining in practice, all of my experience has been on patients that I don't know, and I only have a relationship with for a max of 45 minutes. I'm a little nervous about having to restrain a client I know- I imagine it could potentially be a bit more emotionally traumatic...
(At the end of CPI we played CPI Jepordy as review, and the other team was the CPI Cobras... I usurped their team name. I was on the EXTREME team, and we kicked some serious CPI butt)

Two of my clients ran away last night. It made me really sad. They were caught, and brought back to the facility. One of them I was not surprised to hear about, the other however, I was extremely disappointed. She had been doing so well in her treatment and behavior... and she just totally demolished all of that. I wish I understood it more tangibly.... but if emotional understanding was easy, I wouldn't have a job.


  1. Ah run aways. I have a somewhat unrelated story... over the week-end a six year old student in my school with Autism ran away from his parents at a picnic in a strange town. Two hours later they found him, completely panicked and very far away. Now they've put a GPS chip on him. Scary!

  2. GPSing kids does scare me, big time. Talk about big brother is watching! I mean, I can kind of see the convenience of it for a severely autistic kiddo, but still... use a bracelet or something! Your child is not a dog! Don't microchip your children people!!!
